Friday, November 14, 2008

So much for this week...

Well, I had big hopes at the beginning of the week to utilize a new writing technique in a way of being creative with my 'To do' list and actually get excited to complete tasks and mark them off the list. Then the big kitchen construction project came up and frrrt! There goes that idea!

Clustering can be used to quickly and creatively drum up writing ideas and begin to "branch" out on a given topic expanding the areas with which you can write on that topic. When you begin to try these different writing techniques, you'll find you can use the ideas for other applications. Someone suggested using clustering as a 'to do' list in lieu of a boring straight list that has a less likely chance of being returned to mid week for reference or completion.

(Be nice, I'm no artist, but that's the beauty of it!)

So here's my first one. You'll notice me in the middle, hello BeccA! Then I have a few branches that will be the standard of areas I need to focus my attentions. Starting in the upper left and continuing clockwise: Home, New Ideas, Personal Spiritual growth, Church and finally Online life. It's important to date the page giving a point of reference for later when you have more than one of these to refer to. I highlight the items I get done, this gives me a sense of accomplishment and also allows me to see what I have already finished rather than just marking through it. You can see the clustering effect in the branches from each main area, and them sometimes there are other ideas branching from those, as in the prayer list.

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