Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Feeling better now

I haven't posted here in a few weeks. I was sick for about a week and a half and I'm feeling much better now. I was glad to get rid of that cold or whatever it was. I felt fine, I just was annoyed with a chunky chest and sounded horrible.

Things have been pretty much as usual for me lately. We had a Fall Family picnic and pig roast at church a couple of weekends ago, which was alot of fun. It's always nice to be sociable and fellowship.

This weekend, I enjoyed the Autumn Advance at my mom's church. Everything was beautiful and nice. I actually got to go for free because my mom's friend who bought a ticket couldn't go at the last minute and so I was able to take her place. We had the options to take 3 of the classes they offered. I chose 1. Scripture books, 2. The power of prayer & 3. Cake decorating 101. The first class making scripture books, has inspired me to a new project for the revamping of our women's ministry at my church. We have been talking about how to minister more and I think the scripture book idea is just the thing we need. You can theme the books for encouragement or love or salvation....the possibilities are endless! That way, if we send someone to visit someone in the hospital, we can leave a bit of the Lord's word in a creative and interesting way. They can take it home with them and flip through it whenever they like! Or for new visitors or whatever! I was a little let down by the second class only because the teacher spent a great deal of the time talking about the effects of prayer and not so much on skills or practical applications. Of course, this is my continued complaint with most teachings and preachings. I'm just a hands on kind of girl. Which brings me to the third class, cake decorating. Now, I already know some about it and have some supplies for doing it, I just thought why not? Besides, we got to take home the cake we decorated!!! Which I took directly to some friends of mine with 5 kids so they could enjoy and make use of it and I wouldn't be so tempted to eat it myself :)

I watched my two 'nephews' on Sat. night so my friends could enjoy a nice date night out. A rarity for them these days, I was happy to help and happy to spend some Aunt Becca time with the boys. I went for a visit with my cousin and her family on Sunday. My brother is out of town bow hunting, he's called 2 times now, he got a buck and a doe so far.

I have been way into renting movies from the Red box lately and have enjoyed the luxury of watching them in bed all curled up with my ear buds in. It's fun for me! Also, I'm in the midst of applying for a part time job being a concierge at a retirement community overnights on the weekends. I need to do something to pay off some bills and get this debt under control. My normal income just doesn't cut it anymore. I'm sure you all know exactly what I mean there.

My eating plan and bible study is still going. I don't work on my bible study as much as I'd like to...perhaps I shouldn't be watching so many movies, priorities, Becca! The eating plan is going well, this weekend I discovered I needed to switch around a couple of days and I did so without any problems. I will need to do that again for the different holidays. My only issue is staying as strict with it now as I did in the beginning. Also, getting back on track with what 1/2 really is. My halves have been too hefty lately. So, with that in mind and the fact that I now own a scale that will weigh me, as long as I lose *something* each week, I feel like I am on track. It's really more about honoring God with my eating and well, everything else too.

So that's me in a nutshell. I am so grateful for the Lord allowing me to find such a wonderful and spiritual website that offers me support and education to live my life more to the Glory of God than ever before!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to read you were sick--glad you're better!

I was just pondering this morning about being good stewards of our time, so your comment your priorities hit home. P is likely to start work soon (God willing--we're hoping for a job offer today or tomorrow--look for a celebration email soon!) and we only have a week and a half to get our house and lives in order (like finish writing about Morocco and Romania and the last England trips!) before the next stage begins. Also, I've had some scary heart issues that I need to confirm with my doctor before I know anything for sure. These two situations are reminding me that time is a precious gift from God and we should not be wasting it. Relaxation is important for physical and mental health, but I'm seriously thinking of putting a timer on when we start watching our DVD's in the evening. We tend to watch TV shows that we buy instead of paying for cable (or netflix... although I'm thinking about jumping into that game now that post doesn't take 2 weeks!). But one episode becomes 2 becomes 3... so easily! I prefer TV shows to movies because there are break points to remind you that you can stop. But that was our whole evening! And that happens far too often.

But just like our money and other resources, time is something that we have a finite amount of. The scary thing about time is that you don't know how much you have. And before you know it, it could be over for you or for someone else you'd always intended to witness to or tell you care, or whatever. Carpe diem! If not now, then when? There may not be a tomorrow.

"Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

"Withhold not good
from them to whom it is due
when it is in the power of thine hands to do it." Proverbs 3:27